Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Feature Seller

I recently had the wonderful opportunity of interviewing Caroline who is the owner and the creator of New Hope Beading I was impressed with how Caroline manages her family and her business. I also admired that her shop donates 5% of the price of each item purchased to the Epilepsy Foundation of NJ as thanks for the wonderful support they have given her family following her daughter’s diagnosis of epilepsy.
New Hope Beading was started shortly after Caroline's daughter was diagnoised with epilepsy. I encourage you to read the story in her profile about how and why she started her store and to learn a little more about what epilepsy is. I hope you enjoy learning about this amazing etsy jewelry designer.

How long have you been selling on Etsy?
I opened shop February 21st, 2009

How many children do you have?
have two children, Samantha age 9 and Daniel age 6.

How do you get inspired?
I get my inspiration from my raw materials. They seem to want to be certain things. I know that sounds goofy but it’s true. Right now I am waiting for a strand of creamy white Keishi pearls I just acquired to tell me what they want to be. I will hold onto a strand of gemstones or a special clasp until I find what it was meant to go with. I love when it turns out that they come from other sides of the world…as if they were meant to come together.
My children think this is very funny and ask me if certain items have “talked” to me yet. They say it’s like that movie The Polar Express…you can only hear it if you believe. It is kind of a good analogy

How much time do you put into your shop on average weekly?
More than I should. It is not the making of the jewelry or the listing that is time consuming. I actually find that very therapeutic and get most of that work done while the kids are at school (though this Summer should be interesting). Rather it is the promoting that takes up quite a bit of time.

What is a typical day for you like when you are managing your family and your business?
Well, my initial idea was that I would get 90% of the work done while the kids were in school. Sounds easy enough, right? It doesn’t always work out that way. Many of my major suppliers are in Thailand or Bali…Bali being 12 hours ahead of me. To be able to email back and forth with them and not have to wait until the next day for an answer I sometimes need to be on the computer at 9:00 pm my time which is 9:00 am their time.
I have been very lucky to have a tremendous amount of family support. This was kind of a family venture and a way to give a little something back to The Epilepsy Foundation of New Jersey who have done so much for our family.

On those days when you are feeling completely frazzled and are seconds away from a major meltdown what do you do to keep yourself sane?
Honestly, nothing really frazzles me too much anymore. I am too old and have been through too much to sweat the little things. Having a child with special needs throws everything else into high relief. That is to say, I have a very different perspective on what frazzles me. Basically, any day that my child is not in the hospital being monitored is pretty much a good day! And every additional day that she goes seizure free is another GREAT day. Her new medicine is working great, knock on wood, and she is going on 8 months seizure free. We manage the side effects and count ourselves fortunate that she, at least for now, has achieved seizure control. Not everyone is that fortunate.

In your opinion, what is the hardest part of running your business and being and WAHM (work at home mom)?
The kids take advantage of the fact that Mom is busy and take every toy out of their rooms and leave them all over the Living room.

What is something that you think we should know?
I started New hope Beading as a way to be an Epilepsy Advocate. Even today, epilepsy is a topic that people shy away from. This stigma keeps people from seeking treatment and makes them feel alone. They are not alone. Epilepsy affects 3 million Americans and 50 million people worldwide. That is more than MS, Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy and Parkinson’s disease combined!
To hear their stories, visit Epilepsy Advocates and click “Meet the Advocates.”

I also have some great news from this etsy seller! All of you who are like me and are still looking for the PERFECT mother's day gift, well look no more! New Hope Beading is offering a buy one item, and get the second item 50% percent off. What a great way to show Mom you love her and support a great cause.



Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New Hope Beading

Caroline is the maker and owner of etsy shop New Hope Beading On April 30th, 2009
Read about how she manages being a work at home Mom, and an epilespsy advocate for her young daughter, While attempting to stay somewhat sane.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Tot School

Tot School

So as i was searching and searching for Toddler things to be able to do with my two children i cam across the most AMAZING blog ever! It's called Tot School. I wish i could explain it all...but i can't. You just have to go there yourself. I was absorbed on this blog for two hours, just reading all the lessons, the lapbooks...tot trays ( i know you have no idea what i am talking go look at that blog and come back and tell me it's not the best thing you've ever stumbled upon.)They have science, math, social study lapbooks...all in easy breezy ways to help your tots understand. Best of all...your tiny tots get to spend sometime with you! I love this, because my kids are so little...not quite ready for Kindgergarten, so this is so fantastic to be able to use and implement in our lives. There is just so much information on that blog it's hard not to get so excited! Yeah! I'll keep you updated and see how my kids like it.



Sunday, April 26, 2009


Today was a great Sunday! I love Sundays. It is the most relaxing day of the week for me and allows me to be somewhat refreshed for Monday. My sweet husband baked a yummy carrot cake with both of our kids while i got some much needed downtime. We took them for a walk...and next i believe we shall be playing Candyland over and over again for at least an hour...

Signs your a mom:
1. The laundry never goes away
2. Someone is always hungry


Thursday, April 23, 2009


I make glass tile pendants. I find designers and try and do collaboration projects, i try to create unique designs and have someone create a unique design for me. I I debated back and forth if i should make a tutorial free to the public....knowing full well that i was giving away my business secret.

The more i thought about it the more i's not really a business secret, and if people are selling the tutorial that it really isn't a secret. It's really about what you do with your products, and what you add to make it your own and how you make it unique. I'm not the first or the last glass tile pendant maker, but i love finding new designs and new people to work with and collaborative with!



Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How to Make a glass tile pendant Tutorial

This Tutorial will only be available until Sunday (4/26/09)

Do you have any tutorials, or know how to make something that people would love to use? Send me an email at : and i would love to post your tutorial on my blog as well as the credits to you!



Monday, April 20, 2009

Deep Breath.....FINALLY, I'M HERE

My name is Frenchell and i live in sunny California. I have my B.A. in business administration. i have been married to the best man in the world for almost 5 years! we have two kids who frankly i think are adorable! They are ages 2 (almost 3) and 19 there is rarely a dull moment in this zoo.

I have been wanting to start an etsy blog themed for mommies for the longest time. Finally...i'm here. Make sure you follow this blog. I'll have great templates, tutorials and advice from other etsy members. I also hope to have interviews which will give feedback from buyers and sellers. I am also looking to review products and shops. No need to send me your products for review. If you are intrested in being a featured shop, having a review or sharing any templates or tutorials...let me know. It's all about taking mommie-hood one single teeny tiney itsy-bitsy step at a time while trying to run a business.

xoxo ,
